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[[File:Change-avatar.jpg|936x479px|frameless|alt=Change Avatar]]
[[File:Change-avatar.jpg|936x479px|frameless|alt=Change Avatar]]
'''Completing the Registration'''
Depending on the type of New User Account Activation that was set, as covered at the very beginning of this tutorial, the last screen will vary; however, in our case, it will show this screen:
[[File:Regsitration-complete.jpg|936x172px|frameless|alt=Registration Complete]]

===Deleting Profile===
===Deleting Profile===

Revision as of 15:19, 23 October 2023

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General Profile Guides

Explaining User Profile?


This article will explain the User Profile in JomSocial, what it is, and how it works, as well as explaining some common misunderstandings when it comes to the relationship between the Joomla and JomSocial User. Kindly read the documentation carefully and contact us via support channel if there is any issue.

What is the User Profile?

Joomla is a very powerful CMS system, but when it comes to extending the user object, it is not very good solution to use. In latest versions of Joomla, some effort is put into enhancing the user object with custom fields you can set using the built-in User - Profile plugin that is shipped with Joomla 2.5 and above; however, that is definitely inadequate for the needs of a user profile in a social network.

This is where the native Joomla profile manager will stop and the new profile manager, JomSocial's, will begin. For this transfer of control to occur, the Joomla User - Profile plugin must be disabled.

What Can I Do with User Profiles?

Flip City User Profiles can do many things that cannot be done with the native Joomla user profile. User profiles are at the core of a social network environment, so within your profile, you will be able to:

  1. See other profiles.
  2. Add friends to your network.
  3. Send private messages-chat to other people in your network.
  4. Upload video and photo galleries for others to view or to view others’ video and photo galleries.
  5. Control the privacy of your profile or block others.
  6. Have different sets of Custom Profile Fields for your profile.
  7. Delete the profile data if needed.

Common Misconception

A very common misconception is that once JomSocial is installed, it somehow creates its own user. More often than not, you will hear people asking questions similar to, "Will my Joomla Users work with JomSocial's Users?"

On a Joomla site, there is no such thing as "component user." Not only with JomSocial, but with 99% of the known extensions in JED. At this time, we are only aware of one single component with its own user; however, if you already using JomSocial, there will probably be absolutely no need to use it.

How This Works in Practice

It actually works very well because it allows multiple components to share a single user across the entire site.

How JomSocial Implements This

When a user is created, it is stored in the Joomla Users' database. All mandatory fields such as Name, Username, Email, and Password, are stored in Joomla #__users table JomSocial then uses that information and adds Custom Profile Fields, Friends System, Private Messaging, Photo and Video Galleries, etc.; however, JomSocial will never:

  1. Control the session of the user.
  2. Handle the logins/logouts or activations.
  3. Manage passwords resets.
  4. It will NOT handle any registration emails. It will, however, provide HTML template for those.

All that is strictly handled by Joomla itself.

"Help! I see a strange profile after a user is activated!"

If after login, you see a page similar to the screenshot below, don't worry, it is just a Joomla Profile page that users are never supposed to see, but they did because the native Joomla login form was used for their login.

Joomla Profile

This often happens after users verify their account. Some popular Joomla template Clubs, override this view and include the Joomla Login fields on that screen. If this is the case with your site, please navigate to:

  1. ROOT/templates/YOURTEMPLATE/html
  2. If in this directory you find another folder named com_users, rename it to something else.

IMPORTANT: If after this, you still see the Login Form from Joomla, please contact your template provider(s) for more information about how to remove it since it really shouldn't be there. The default Joomla behaviour is to give users a button to get back on the Home page of the site, NOT the Login Form. This is not the JomSocial page and therefore we cannot do anything about it.

Creating Profile

Creating a Profile from the Frontend

Navigate to the JomSocial Frontpage and click the green Join Us Now, Its Free! OR Register Account button (depends on Theme and Extension version).

Flip City Create Account

Inputting the Joomla User Information

The very first screen of the JomSocial registration flow is actually handled by Joomla. This might sound strange because the registration occurs through the JomSocial form; please read this article to understand this process. You will need to fill in all the fields on this screen in order to proceed further.

Register Form

All of the information needs to be provided. If some of the information is not provided, JomSocial will notify users that errors must be corrected before proceeding.

Click Next to proceed

Note: Be aware that Joomla User Object is still not created. It is only created after the registration flow has been completed.


If you configured ReCaptcha in the JomSocial configuration, it will show up on this screen. Many people will give good arguments for using ReCaptcha to prevent spambots to register on the site; however, if the JomSocial registration flow is the only way for users to register on the site and you use Custom Profile Fields as outlined in the following section of this tutorial, you will most likely do just fine without ReCaptcha as there is no way for spambots to guess all of the custom profile fields you set, especially if you use a combination of dropdowns, checkboxes, multiple selects, etc..

Populating the Custom Profile Fields

This is the step of the registration where the actual JomSocial User Profile is created. The fields on this screen may vary, depending on the Custom Profile Fields you have set for the site.

Register Form

Provide required information and click Register.

Uploading an Avatar

This is the last step of the JomSocial registration flow. Avatar upload is not mandatory and you can either skip it or click Next.

Change Avatar

Completing the Registration

Depending on the type of New User Account Activation that was set, as covered at the very beginning of this tutorial, the last screen will vary; however, in our case, it will show this screen:

Registration Complete

Deleting Profile

Profile Preferences

Karma System

Profile Settings

First and Last Name Registration

Multiple Profile Types


Friends System

Search Friends

Add Friends

Private Messages / Chat

Private Messaging

Sending Message

Custom Profiles

Custome Profile Fields

Textbox Field

Textarea Field

Select Field

Profile Privacy

Privacy Settings

Miscellaneous Profile Guides

Removing Frontend User Options

Users Export and Import from CSV


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